Part Title
Part Details
step 1
Upload photo
step 3


Add up to five pictures with different angles that are at least 800X470px or higher.
Safety Tips:
a. Do not pay in advance.
b. Meet up in a safe place.
c. Take a close look at the item before making payment.
d. Pay only after collecting items.

Enter Seller's notes
step 5
Select all the phrases that apply to your vehicle.
Set Your Asking Price
step 6
Price* (₦)

Determine a competitive price by comparing your automobile part to a similar service or products for sale by dealers and private sellers around your location. Then consider pricing your automobile part or services within range.

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Recomendation & Guides
By providing us with your phone number, you acknowledge and agree that we (and/or our service providers) may contact you at the mobile or other telephone number you list, in order to provide you with additional information or offers regarding our services, and that in doing so we may utilize automatic dialing services.